How to Get Rid of Foot Calluses (2025)

Calluses on the feet, particularly on the heels, can be uncomfortable and unsightly. These thick, hardened areas of skin form as a protective response to repeated friction or pressure, but they can also cause pain if left untreated. If you're wondering how to get rid of foot calluses effectively, this guide will cover everything from understanding what calluses are, how to remove them with home remedies and treatments, when to seek medical advice, and best practices for preventing calluses in the future.

Understanding Foot Calluses

Foot calluses are thickened, hardened areas of skin. They develop from repeated friction or pressure. Calluses often appear on the heels, toes, and balls of the feet, as well as on the hands and fingers.

While usually harmless, neglecting calluses can lead to pain and cracking. In some cases, infection can occur. This is especially true for individuals with underlying health problems.

Calluses commonly develop due to:

  • Footwear: Tight, ill-fitting shoes and high heels can create friction on the feet, leading to calluses.

  • Barefoot Walking: Walking or running without shoes puts direct pressure on the feet, promoting callus formation.

  • Manual Work or Instrument Playing: Activities that require repetitive hand movements, like playing the guitar or working with tools, can cause calluses on the hands.

Home Remedies: How to Get Rid of Foot Calluses Naturally

Several at-home treatments can provide relief for mild calluses.

Warm Water Soak and Exfoliation

Soften the callus by soaking your feet in warm, soapy water for 10-20 minutes. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommends this initial step for how to get rid of foot calluses.

After drying your feet with a towel, gently rub the callus with a pumice stone. A foot file or emery board will also work to remove the dead skin.

Avoid excessive rubbing; gradual removal is best. Multiple warm water soaking and exfoliation sessions may be needed.

Moisturizing and Protective Cushioning

Regular moisturizing keeps the affected skin soft. This helps prevent cracking. Look for creams with urea, ammonium lactate, or salicylic acid for how to get rid of foot calluses.

Non-medicated callus pads or moleskin can protect the area. These reduce friction and further irritation. Petroleum jelly is an alternative moisturizer.

Natural Remedies

Some people find relief with natural remedies such as apple cider vinegar. It helps soften hard skin. Baking soda mixed with lemon juice is also effective as it can gently exfoliate and soften thickened skin.

Epsom salt soaks can dissolve calluses and soothe tired muscles. Add Epsom salt and a few drops of tea tree oil to warm water for a relaxing and effective soak. Soaking your feet in warm water with Epsom salt and tea tree oil is one of the effective ways for how to get rid of foot calluses.

Professional Treatments: When to Seek Medical Help

Sometimes home remedies aren't enough. Consulting a podiatrist becomes necessary.

Persistent Calluses

If calluses don't improve after consistent home care, seek professional advice. A podiatrist offers specialized treatments for how to get rid of foot calluses, like stronger peeling medications and tools for removing thicker calluses. Don't wait if your calluses include considerable pain. This may point to other medical problems.

Signs of Infection

Seek immediate medical attention if a callus shows signs of infection. Redness, swelling, warmth, or oozing indicate a potential problem.

Prompt treatment is essential to prevent complications. Visiting a healthcare provider ensures quick healing and proper care.

Diabetes or Peripheral Neuropathy

Those with diabetes or peripheral neuropathy need extra care. Impaired circulation and sensation in the feet require specialist attention.

Consult a healthcare professional for guidance on foot care, including how to get rid of foot calluses. A conservative treatment approach is crucial due to increased infection risk.

Preventing Foot Calluses: Long-Term Strategies

Prevent calluses before they start with proactive measures.

Proper Footwear and Socks

Invest in well-fitting, supportive shoes with adequate cushioning. Thick, cushioned socks reduce friction and protect your skin. Wearing tight-fitting shoes will increase the likelihood of developing calluses. Make the right shoe choices for how to get rid of foot calluses.

Orthotics and Insoles

Shoe inserts or orthotics distribute pressure evenly. This reduces friction and prevents callus formation. Repetitive movements or repetitive pressure, especially while walking barefoot or playing instruments, are common reasons for developing calluses.

Regular Foot Care

Regular moisturizing and occasional pumice stone use prevent skin buildup. This keeps skin soft and prevents it from hardening into calluses.

Need Assistance With Persistent Calluses?

Whether you’re dealing with calluses on your heels or other areas, consistent care and the right treatment can make a big difference. Dr. Haro has over 25 years of experience and is double-board certified. We offer a wide range of podiatry services, including treatments for calluses, heel pain, flat feet, toenail fungus, diabetic neuropathy, and more.

Contact Information:

Phone: 973-777-5771

Location: Clifton, NJ

How to Get Rid of Foot Calluses (2025)


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